True Cost Accounting as a Tool for Food Systems Transformation under Climate Change Conditions
This event will showcase how True Cost Accounting (TCA) can serve as a tool for crisis management of transboundary threats; to better understand the interlinkages between pressing issues such as climate change and biodiversity loss; to improve food production systems by making them more resilient, and to establish pathways towards healthy, sustainable and affordable diets.
Organized by: WWF Germany and TMG Think Tank for Sustainability
Co-Hosted by: TCA Accelerator, Global Alliance for the Future of Food
Partners: Rockefeller Foundation, corsus-corporate sustainability, Intergovernmental Authority for Development (IGAD), Swette Center for Sustainable Food Systems, BMUV
Venue: Food4Climate Pavilion, Convention Center Area C, Pavilion 136
Additional Details
Timezone - Africa/Cairo